Snelle en betrouwbare diagnose van plantenziekten
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The basics of Field-tests
Field-tests for plant pathogens use the same principle as regular laboratory tests. Its format is adjusted to enable use in the field or greenhouse without any additional materials or knowledge. These tests work on all crops where the specific disease is present.

Who use thies tests?
Field-tests are developed for companies and professionals who have no access to plant pathology laboratories or knowledge. But still have the need to identify plant diseases properly, reliable and fast.

Some examples:

  • Crop advisors and salespeople in agri- and horticulture.
  • Producers of potatoes, vegetables, fruits, flowers, trees and all other plants.
  • Seed and plant propagation companies.
  • Horticulturalist and employees
  • Field inspectors of plan disease services.
  • Plant pathology laboratories who have a limited number of samples.

Advantages of thies tests:

  • Simple to use; the design is comparable with a pregnacy test.
  • Fast: the test will give a result in 2 minuts.
  • Practical: ready to use anywhere in the field or greenhouse. No need of additional materials.
  • Compact; easy to carry, so very useful take abroad.
  • Certainty; symptoms of diseases or fertilizer shortages could be identical, are variety specific or could be combined. With a test the right diagnoses can be made.
  • Wide range available: available for viruses, fungi and bacteria and usable in all types of crops.
  • Reliable; results are comparable with laboratory test results. (information regarding this comparison test are available)
  • Independent control: a field-test will give an independent diagnosis, disputes can be resolved on the spot and foreign/inexperienced laboratories can be checked.
  • Risc control: growing companies face larger riscs, regular testiing on fore instance Pepino mozaiek virus gives direct information regarding infected plants.


Field-tests only work on plant samples infected with the disease, especially important with fungi and bacterial diseases. The tests are no replacement of existing laboratory tests. Do use these test for regular and primary testing in the field.


CHECKIT Agri & Food Test
Aartshertogenlaan 389
5212 CK 's-Hertogenbosch

M +31 (0)6 200 199 74